Web scraping is legal, US appeals court reaffirms — TechCrunch

Good news for archivists, academics, researchers and journalists: Scraping publicly accessible data is legal, according to a U.S. appeals court ruling. The landmark ruling by the U.S. Ninth Circuit of Appeals is the latest in a long-running legal battle brought by LinkedIn aimed at stopping a rival company from web scraping personal information from users’…

Web scraping is legal, US appeals court reaffirms — TechCrunch

The Advantages of a “Date-Certain M&A Process” over an “Assignment for the Benefit of Creditors – ABC”  — Blog of Intellectual Capital

Apart from a formal bankruptcy (Chapter 7 or 11), there are two basic approaches to maximizing enterprise value for underperforming and/or under-capitalized technology, life science, medical device, digital marketing, information & cyber security and solar companies and their Intellectual property:  “Date-Certain M&A Process” and an Assignment for the Benefit of Creditors (ABC). Both of these processes have significant […]

The Advantages of a “Date-Certain M&A Process” over an “Assignment for the Benefit of Creditors – ABC”  — Blog of Intellectual Capital

The Learning Science Guidebook

All about the many ways of learning…

Julian Stodd's Learning Blog

The main text for my next Social Age Guidebook is now complete, although i feel a fair amount of trepidation around releasing it: it explores Learning Science, with a broad approach to helping people to ‘explore their landscape of curiosity’, and to ‘curate their own discipline’. It’s a pragmatic line: if we can build our personal discipline through a solid understanding of evidence, research, and validity, but also pragmatic tools, then we should be able to move our practice forwards.

I have gone into this work with three objectives: firstly, to help build an understanding of what we actually mean by ‘learning science’ and broader scientific discipline, and what it can do for us (and explicitly, what it cannot do for us), secondly, to help people choose the areas they are most interested in, and thirdly, to explore (through a Learning Map)…

View original post 129 more words

The Five Keys to Progress (Part 4): Decentralization of Power

This is what we’re all about!

From Poverty to Progress

This the fourth post in a series of posts about the Five Keys to Progress. If this is the first post that you have ever read on my blog, I would recommend starting with An Introduction to Progress: Mankind’s Greatest Accomplishment. Then I would recommend reading the first post of this series.

In the previous posts in this series, I argued that the concept of the Five Keys of Progress enables us to better under the history of how nations developed and what policies will work in promoting progress today.

The Five Keys to Progress are the fundamental preconditions that must be established for a society to experience progress. All are necessary, but none are sufficient by themselves. Each evolved slowly as individuals solved local problems and then copied what worked.

I also argued that to transition from poverty to progress, a society needs to acquire and maintain…

View original post 828 more words

One thing has become very clear to us about the M&A process

“And one thing has become very clear to us about the M&A process – it’s outdated, inefficient, and unnecessarily combative, with too much time and energy spent negotiating deal terms and not enough on what matters most: building great products together and delivering more customer value.” https://www.atlassian.com/blog/technology/atlassian-term-sheet

UK Level 7 Systems thinking practitioner apprenticeship / Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education — Systems Community of Inquiry

SYSTEMS THINKING PRACTITIONER Systems thinking practitioner / Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education As providers start to train the first apprentices, a good time to refresh on this. The specification and requirements for the post-graduate-level apprenticeship (which doesn’t have a specific degree requirement) are above. The official providers page is: https://findapprenticeshiptraining.apprenticeships.education.gov.uk/courses/556 Providers I know of: […]

UK Level 7 Systems thinking practitioner apprenticeship / Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education — Systems Community of Inquiry

Book Summary: “Blueprint – How DNA Makes Us Who We Are” by Robert Plomin — The Ratchet of Technology, a site by Michael Magoon

Title: Blueprint – How DNA Makes Us Who We AreAuthor: Robert PlominScope: 5 starsReadability: 4 starsMy personal rating: 5 starsSee more on my book rating system. If you enjoy this summary, please support the author by buying the book. Topic of Book Plomin argues that the latest genetic research shows that our DNA is by far […]

Book Summary: “Blueprint – How DNA Makes Us Who We Are” by Robert Plomin — The Ratchet of Technology, a site by Michael Magoon

What You Choose to Focus On Will Grow — The Victor Negro

A quote says “where attention goes, energy flows”. The power of thought is implied here. What you focus on the most receives not only the energy of thought and imagination, but the power of feeling, and opportunity to become. Our thoughts create certain feelings in us. The positive the thought, the positive the feeling. The […]

What You Choose to Focus On Will Grow — The Victor Negro